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Paid work

Benefits of paid work

Many carers prefer to balance paid work with their caring responsibilities, even though it can be challenging. Paid work allows carers to:

  • Earn an income
  • Build up their superannuation
  • Pursue their own interests and personal development
  • Build their social skills and networks
  • Develop their self-esteem and confidence
  • Take a break from their caring responsibilities.

However, carers often find it difficult to get a job that fits with their caring responsibilities, and to achieve the flexibility they need within the workplace.

Rights in the workplace

Carers have a number of rights that protect them in the workplace. This includes:

Employment support

Carers NSW has developed a toolkit to support carers to achieve their employment goals. This step by step guide includes practical examples and templates to help carers identify and achieve realistic pathways to employment. Download the toolkit by clicking on the link below:

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Carers may also wish to explore the following funded services:

  • Carer Career Guidance Project: Provides short-term information and support to women carers as they transition into, or back into, the workforce.
  • Careers NSW: Offers a range of free online and phone based career support services including an industry specific advisory service for eligible individuals.
  • Return to Work Program: Supports women, including carers, through the development of a Return to Work Plan which may include the provision of funding to buy goods and services that will help reduce barriers to finding employment.
  • Business Connect: Offers independent business advice, business skills training, workshops and events on a range of topics to help NSW residents start, run, adapt or grow their small business. Fees apply for follow up advisory services.