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COVID-19 update for carers in NSW

Tue, 29 Jun

Carers NSW is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, the ongoing government response and the wide ranging impacts it has on carers. Below is our latest COVID-19 information and resources for carers.

Latest information

*Last updated 8 July 2021

People who live in, usually work in, or usually attend a university or other tertiary education facility in Greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour are currently required to follow the stay at home order until 11.59pm on Friday 16 July 2021. Face masks are also compulsory in most situations outside the home.

NSW residents who have been in Greater Sydney or the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour for any reason since Monday 21 June 2021 must also follow the stay at home rules and must continue to follow them for 14 days. Face masks are also compulsory in most situations outside the home.

Everyone who meets the above criteria must stay at home unless they have a reasonable excuse. Reasonable excuses to leave home that are accepted by the NSW Government include the following caring-related tasks that may still be necessary:

  • Obtaining goods and services for household members and vulnerable people in other households
  • Medical or caring reasons, including obtaining a COVID-19 vaccination
  • Providing care or assistance (including personal care) to a vulnerable person
  • Accessing social services and mental health services

Details of the stay at home rules, reasonable excuses for leaving home, and the areas covered by Greater Sydney are available on the NSW Government website. Please note that carers are being urged to only leave home for caring reasons where absolutely necessary, not for discretionary visits, and not taking additional family members with them.

Additional rules and restrictions also currently apply for regional and rural areas of NSW, including use of face masks and limited numbers for visitors and gatherings. For this purpose, people who are providing care to children or vulnerable adults in your home do not count as visitors.

Details of the rules for regional and rural NSW are available on the NSW Government website.

Risks and rules can change quickly, so it is important to stay updated and use up-to-date and accurate sources of information.

  • Full details of current rules and restrictions, as well as information about getting vaccinated, visiting care facilities and accessing financial support are published online at:
  • All NSW residents are encouraged to regularly check the venues and transport routes where confirmed cases have been. These are listed along with detailed instructions for close and casual contacts at:
  • Regular updates are also available on the NSW Health Facebook page, where live press conferences are broadcast.
  • The ABC News website and mobile app has live coverage of COVID-19 news

Resources developed by Carers NSW to support carers to manage the practical and emotional challenges of caring through COVID-19, are available on our Carer Resources page, using the search term 'COVID'

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