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COVID-19 update for carers in NSW

Mon, 18 Oct

Carers NSW is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, the ongoing government response and the wide ranging impacts it has on carers. Below is our latest COVID-19 information and resources for carers.

*Last updated 8 November 2021

Further changes announced from 8 November 2021

In response to the faster-than-expected rates of vaccination across the State, the NSW Government announced they will further ease rules for those who are fully vaccinated by bringing forward many of the roadmap changes scheduled for 1 December 2021 to Monday 8 November 2021.

The information below has been updated following the announcement of these changes. More information about the easing of restrictions can be found on the NSW Government website.

Those who are not fully vaccinated must still abide by pre-roadmap restrictions until the State reaches the 95% double vaccination target, or 15 December 2021, whichever happens first.

Further changes announced from 1 November 2021

On 1 November 2021, the NSW Premier announced further changes to COVID-19 restrictions as the rate of vaccination in NSW continues to increase. The changes continue to only apply to people who have received 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, and those with medical exemptions.

The vast majority of changes were in relation to domestic and international travel – a summary of the changes can be found on the NSW Government website. Of most significance to carers is that travel between Greater Sydney and regional NSW is now permitted, including for holidays and recreation.

Restrictions eased as NSW reaches 80% double dose vaccination

From today, Monday 18 October 2021, a number of restrictions will ease across NSW based on advice from the NSW Government and NSW Department of Health.

These changes have come into effect because 80% of eligible people in NSW have received 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Further restrictions are expected to ease from 1 November 2021.

Below are the key changes that are particularly relevant to carers. Additional detail can be found on the NSW Government website. These changes only apply to people who are fully vaccinated and those with medical exemptions. Please follow medical advice at the time of vaccination regarding how long the second shot will take to be fully effective, as this can take up to 2 weeks.

Meeting with others:

  • There are no limits on visitors to a home
  • No rules are in place for outdoor gatherings of less than 1000 people

Travel in the community:

  • No distance limits are in place for travel within Greater Sydney, and travel between regional NSW and Greater Sydney has been permitted since 1 November 2021
  • Carpooling is permitted (members of your household only for people who are not fully vaccinated)


  • Masks will remain mandatory for all indoor public venues, including public transport, on planes and at airports
  • Children aged under 12 will not need to wear a mask indoors

Isolation rules for close and casual contacts

The guidance on isolation for close and casual contacts who are fully vaccinated will continue to be revised as restrictions continue to ease. Stay up-to-date by visiting the NSW Government website.

Visit the NSW Government website for 'Frequently asked questions for parents and carers of people who need to be isolated due to COVID-19'.

Tailored information for carers

Carers NSW will continue to provide updates via the News page of our website and via our Facebook page. Resources developed by Carers NSW to support carers to manage the practical and emotional challenges of caring through COVID-19, are available on our Carer Resources page, using the search term 'COVID'.