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LGBTQI+ carers

Carers provide care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, mental illness, drug and/or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail. They can find themselves providing emotional and practical support for that person. They may not realise that, as carers, there is specialist support available for them.

Anyone in life can find themselves in the role of a carer. Some research indicates that people who identify as sexuality or gender diverse are more likely to take on a caring role, and that they may take on caring responsibilities earlier in life than other carers who do not identify.

Sexuality and gender diverse carers face the full range of challenges that all carers experience, but they may also face a number of additional issues that impact on their caring role, such as experiencing greater social isolation in the caring role than other carer groups.1

1 Carers NSW (2020). Carers NSW 2020 National Carer Survey: Summary report.

Information and resources

Carers NSW has developed a series of resources for LGBTQI+ carers which can be accessed below or via the Carers NSW Resources page.

Information sheets

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Useful services

Carer Gateway - 1800 422 737 (Monday to Friday). Access to supports and services for carers.

QLife - 1800 184 527 or webchat (7 days, 3.00pm to 12.00am). Anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral.

LGBTIQ+ Health Australia - 02 7209 6301 (Monday to Friday). Programs to help LGBTIQ+ people manage their health and access inclusive health services.

ACON - 02 9206 2000 (Monday to Friday). Information, counselling and support.

Twenty10 - 02 8594 9555 (Monday to Friday, 1.00pm to 3.00pm). Specialist support for young people aged 12-25 years.